A Little Background What is beautiful, talented, threatens to have her dog eaten by Carl and uncredited for the episode? Well for you first season fans, you might know whom I'm talking about or maybe not. The lady I speak of is Wendy Benson. I suppose you don't recognize her name. She wasn't credited for her appearance in the episode, "The Wraps." Still need more help? She was the Antique Store Owner. Ah, now you remember. Shame on you if you don't. Wendy Benson is nothing short of an outstanding actress from her roles in the tv movies James Dean, the recent TNT movie where she played Julie Harris. She has had roles in a couple tv series including the TNT series Bull, which was a terrific drama. Along with the now finished Unhappily Ever After, a WB show. Wendy's genre appearances have been small in number but definitely remarkable. She appeared in Wishmaster, as Shannon Amberson, along side great actors like Robert Englund. The first Wishmaster was a decent horror movie considering it came from Wes Craven. Wendy Benson has had guest-starring parts in sci-fi shows such as X-Files and Charmed. Truly amazing to watch Wendy Benson has established a fine career, and from her turns on Bull, and tv movie James Dean. I can honestly say the sky is the limit for her and her natural ability to take a role and make it believable and entertaining. With that kind of passion, I only hope she can return one day and get even with Carl or assume a new character on the show. She would be great as a new vicious Link looking to settle a score with Carl. It would be a great play on her earlier appearance. Did You Know? Did you know Wendy Benson is married to Special Unit 2 star, Michael Landes? They met on the set of "The Gentleman From Boston." From all the fans of Special Unit 2, we send our best wishes to them and to have a happy life together.
Ten Questions Why is Carl so good at computer games? Where do all the smart-ass remarks, Nick has, come from? Kate can sure fire an Infrared Hand Gun, but can she fire a Special Unit 2 rifle? If Links are creatures of myth and legend, then could some explain my ex-girlfriend? If Carl is such a kleptomaniac, how does he keep his sense of morals? If Carl can't feel pain, how can he be killed? What is the difference between a Gnome and a Troll? Is Captain Page married? What does Nick really do in his free time, besides chasing women for non-real relationships? If Kate's grandmother saw things other people didn't, then how far does his genetic trait go?
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You know you're obsessed with Special Unit 2 when... 1. Every website on your favorite list is related to Special Unit 2 is some way, shape, or form. 2. You sit in biology class looking at the evolution chart and saying, "this is wrong, that is wrong, that is not even close." 3. Your friend says, "oh man, I can't believe it's Tuesday," and you reply, "Yeah, I don't think I could have gone another day without Special Unit 2." Only to get a strange look from said friend. 4. You join a class in school that critiques movies and television just to have an excuse to watch Special Unit 2. 5. You make a special folder for your filing cabinet just to have a place for all the things you printed off the computer and Internet about Special Unit 2. 6. Your folder couldn't hold everything so you went with a 3-inch binder just to be safe. 7. Your room, fridge, cubicle, locker, or whatever is covered in pics of Michael Landes, Alexondra Lee or any of the cast of Special Unit 2. 8. Your friend asks you what last night's episode was about and you give the dialogue verbatim. 9. Your friends and family think your insane when you keep checking under the bed, chair or couch before using them. 10. Your friends and family think you're insane when the sink drips, you head towards closet filled with industrial strength cleaner, and you scrub the sink spotless. 11. Your friends and family think your insane when you won't go anywhere near a building with gargoyles on it. 12.You spend all of Trigonometry, calculating when the gargoyles will hatch again. 13. You spend all of Trigonometry, wondering how Nick can get Carl to work with him. 14. You stay awake at night thinking of plots for your Special Unit 2 fan fic. 15. You have tapes of every episode and you know all the dialogue by heart. 16. You would pay money for those episodes. 17. You pause the VCR on the parts where Nick smiles. 18. You check all the houses with Gnomes in your area looking for Carl. 19. You have a crowbar with you so you can practice your new favorite sport, Gnome Croquet. 20. You buy a leather jacket to dress up like Nick or Kate on Halloween. 21. You go to every store in town looking for a rubber ball, hoping it is part of the Medical Waste Link. 22. You go to every laundromat in town hoping to find your local Special Unit 2 office. 23. You look through all the magazines at the newsstand to find something about Special Unit 2. 24. When you don't find anything in the aforementioned magazines your write nasty letters, e-mails to them. 25.You watch Lois and Clark and forget that it's not Special Unit 2. So, you sit there thinking Nick is pretending to be Jimmy Olson so he can catch Superman and lock him up in the Hole because of his super powers.
Our First Poll This is our first poll, and we want everyone's input. Thus, we shall debut with a dual poll for two different topics. Come, take part in this, and let your voices be heard. What do you like the least and the most about the second season? Who was your favorite guest star, of any episode to date, that you would like to see return? Send your answers to the following e-mail address with the word "Poll" in the subject line, drkangel_113@yahoo.com
Disclaimer: "Agent Zero", the Special Unit 2 Newsletter is for entertainment purposes only. No money is being made from its use. Please do not sue us. We have no money. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters, names, pictures, images, content, references, and anything else that we neglected to mention, used herein relating to "Special Unit 2" is the sole property of "Special Unit 2", Rego Park Productions, Paramount, and its related companies, producers and studios. All rights reserved. Any reproductions, duplication or distribution in any form is expressly prohibited. Articles written by Jeff, as well as all of the fans are the sole property of the owner(s). Do not reproduce or reprint without expressed written authorization from the writer(s)." |